Saturday, July 6, 2024

Rice is Nice

 So say the Lemon Pipers, Mike Douglas, Ann Miller, and Yankee fans everywhere!


HoraceClarke66 said...

High creepiness factor. But any tribute is nice.

AboveAverage said...

That’s really great, Stang.

JM said...

A's beating Orioles 14-1in the fourth.

JM said...

Creepy singer. And Ann Miller??!?!!?

JM said...

I used to watch Mike Douglas a lot. After he had John and Yoko on for a week, and George Harrison, too, I thought he deserved viewing.

Then there was The Men in My Little Girl's Life. Good for countless filthy parodies...

Celerino Sanchez said...

As soon as Rizzo is healthy enough to hit .220 Rice is back to AAA

AboveAverage said...

Stang - I can only imagine how torn you were between posting the Merv Griffin or Mike Douglas clip.

What forced your hand?

Stang said...

AA, it was the slow, sulking burn the Lemon Pipers' singer did when Ann Miller popped out to step on his applause.

Rufus T. Firefly said...


You are a National treasure for pulling up these clips.

Do you have one of HAL that would embarrass him? Sorry, a rhetorical question as he is incapable of embarrassment.

Doug K. said...

Amazing! Not since Tiny Tim have I been so creeped out and entertained at the same time.

Rufus T. Firefly said...


The Lemon Pipers were obviously ahead of their time.

AboveAverage said...

Stang - that was indeed memorable . . .

ranger_lp said...

They did Green Tambourine…

So when Rizzo returns,Rice goes back to SWB?

Rufus T. Firefly said...


...traded for a middle reliever at the deadline. Worse than exile to the land where prospects go to wither on the vine.

BTR999 said...

Be a while b4 Rizzo . If Rice continues to hit, how can they send him down?

AboveAverage said...

They could trade him for a couple of cheap, mediocre arms - BTR

AboveAverage said...

Just to go a bit farther - Ann Miller was dancing to the 66 Batman theme and as Ranger pointed out - the band did one of the most famous and recognized pop songs of all time - Green Tambourine:

Joe Formerlyof Brooklyn said...

I was hoping Rizzo was the Second Coming of Wally Pipp. Kinda-sorta.