Wednesday, October 9, 2024

A first round ejection will not go over well in New York City or across the Yankiverse

You could decipher the handwriting: The Phillies and Dodgers - our fellow first-round bye partners - sit one loss from elimination and, like the Yankees, face younger, hungrier and hotter teams. That week off, the first-round bye that is supposed to help teams, looks more and more like a perpetual curse. Win the summer, lose the fall.

Our two top pitchers, signed to lead us from this 15-year malaise, have utterly failed. Our big bats have gone silent. And though it's hard to process, Yank fans see far more on the line than just 2024.

Let's explore the terrors of a first-round elimination...

1. A quick knockout would turn NYC into a Mets town. For nearly 30 years - since Darryl Strawberry and Dwight Gooden switched genders - New York has been a Yankee encampment. The Bombers have owned the back pages, talk radio, the zeitgeist of America's greatest continuing sports show. 

That can change.  

If the Yankees fall, while the Mets beat Philly, it would flick a cultural switch as profound as the one flipped by Boston in 2004, ending the Yankee domination. 

For 15 years at the helm, Hal Steinbrenner has never experienced the Yankees as NY's second team. I wonder what it will do to him. My guess: He'll grow disillusioned, depressed - angry at how he is characterized - and then pour more personal resources into supporting Westchester Republicans and winning the Kentucky Derby. 

2. A first-round barf could push Juan Soto out the door. It's already a given that some billionaire owner, looking to become MLB's newest swinging dick, will offer Soto more money than Hal wants to pay. Of course, the Yankees will bid competitively - as they did with Joggie Cano! - but money doesn't grow on trees, people! And Hal is a loyal country clubber, his name surely inscribed on some gold-plated golf locker in some Northeastern spliced version of Mar-a-Lago with the Bohemian Grove. 

There is also the razor-edged NY sports media, which won't be kind to a first-round kaboom. There will be calls for human sacrifices. Boone is as close to a virgin as we will find. But our looming free agents - Verdugo, Gleyber, Holmes, Soto - are playing well. They would all go, leaving Yank fans with the unshakeable October memory of Giancarlo Stanton running to first while pulling an invisible slab of concrete. 

3. Here's a fun thought: Soto could cross town. That's already a Mets thing, featuring Severino, Bader and Ottavino (Gooden/Strawberry in reverse.) Mets owner Steve Cohen might want to put a cherry on his postseason by adding Soto over the winter. 

Of course, Hal would simmer over such an indignity. It wouldn't be cricket! But like the 2004 Redsocks, Cohen wants to seize NY and hold it. The two men are not alike.    

4. In KC, Aaron Judge won't hear distracting chants of "MVP." Unless he breaks out of his 1-7 slump, another failed October will breed whispers. He is starting to remind me of A-Rod, a postseason pariah until 2009, late in his career. Remember his 1-for-14 against Detroit in the 2006 ALDS? Fans booed as he marched back to the dugout after striking out. He hit 35 HRs that year, batting .292. And he was booed. Incredible. 

Nobody will boo Judge. Yank fans love him. I sure do. But damn, it hurts to watch him flail at pitches that should be landing in the cheap seats. If the Yankees can just beat KC - that is, get Judge into the next round - he can silence the critics, the criers, the doomsday seers. But right now, Austin Wells and Giancarlo do not strike fear in opponents. I doubt Judge will see a hittable pitch in KC - or until March 27, 2025, opening day. Something to look forward to, eh?

5. Damn, 2024 has been one long, hard, unforgiving slog. We sat in first most of the year, yet we've been a stumbling, bumbling disappointment for three brutal months. In many ways, an early self-immolation always seemed our destiny. Now, it's here, and the immensity of such a defeat is hard to fathom.

 If we go out in the first-round, get ready for one long, painful drought, which will surely outlast my time on this planet. It would to be hard to ever again feel hope about the Yankees. What am I supposed to write about? Pickleball? 


Local Bargain Jerk said...

What am I supposed to write about? Pickleball?

It is high, it is far, it is Ponk! Tock. Tock. Ponk!

Doug K. said...

Right out of, "Don Martin's Guide to Pickleball"

Doug K. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Doug K. said...

As to the Yankees... they are clearly the worst of the remaining eight teams. I don't just mean talent wise I mean in enthusiasm, fundamentals, managing, enjoyment on the field, enjoyable to watch, set for the future... everything!

When it comes to at bats, especially with men on base, the Yankees always look like a constipated man trying to take a crap.

JM said...

The other playoff teams have dramatic home runs, some great starting pitching, smart baserunning, clutch performances...does any of that sound remotely like our Yankees? Here and there, sure, but consistently, in pressure situations?

ranger_lp said...

Soto is leaving anyway...IMHO...

BTR999 said...

It’s impossible not to feel cynical about this organization given its recent history. A week off is kryptonite for this languid group and its nanny-like manager. The RISP failures, fueled by the lack of fundamentals and baseball smarts, will end the season.

TheWinWarblist said...

Do you remember when Bernie Williams almost single handedly beat Texas and Baltimore in the '96 ALDS and ALCS? I know that was an amazing team and he wasn't alone, but holy crap-a-mighty he showed up to play that year.

Fuck Boone and his pale weak "leadership"

13bit said...

Bernie was channelling the whirling dervishes that year, Winnie. A glorious time to recall.

I think the zeitgeist in this town has been changing for a while now and won’t just turn on our possible elimination, although that would certainly be a big shovelful of dirt on top of our once-great dynasty. And one more thing with Hal - every Yankee World Series win in HIS memory is another painful flashback to being neglected and overlooked. He doesn’t experience the Yankees the way we do. It’s all in reverse. He loses, but still makes money. THAT is a win/win for him. And PS - how come we never never never hear about George’s wife? What was even her name? She probably taught Hal to hate the Yankees. If only Jennifer Swindal had come out as a male, changed genders, and knocked Hal off his high horse.

Soto? Hal and Cash - another vaudeville duo if I ever heard of one - have now honed the Food Stamps Routine to a fine art. They’ll offer big money, but fewer years, then claim that it was a competitive bid. We all know that a hungry owner is visible from a mile away - George was like an angry rhino on the horizon. Hal is like, well, a sneak in the grass, but without any fangs. It’s clear he doesn’t give a shit. Why would you want to play for him? AND why would you want to play for a team with shit pitching?

I feel bad for Judge and don’t want this to be his legacy. I genuinely like the guy and think he’s a class act.

Mildred Lopez said...

Agree with ranger - Soto goes to the highest bidder and that won't be Hobo Hal

TheWinWarblist said...

JM, the other playoff teams (except the Dodgers - fuck them) are all much more fun than the Yankees. Fun? Yes, fun! It's a game. It's supposed to be fun! The Mets and The Padres both seem funner than Yanks. By a lot.

Fuck the corporate un-funness those fuckers forced on our Yankees. And fuck the whole front office.

AboveAverage said...

"Well Suzyn, that display of pathetic ineptitude was brought to you by the New York Mets. Inviting you to join them next year to watch baseball the way its supposed to be played."

HoraceClarke66 said...

Duque, you hit the nail on the head, as usual. (Would that any of our heroes could hit the ball.) And you guys as well, Warbler and Bitty.

This Yankees team lacks any kind of joie de vivre. And it's very visible, now that whole teams regularly jump out of the dugout and gin up the fans like so many college football players. Where is the joy???

It was one thing when your New York Yankees were like so many sharks, just circling around, ready to bite off your leg while the fans of other teams waved their homer hankies, and dressed up in the team colors, and danced with their adorable mascot. But now...they just seem confused and depressed, as they do every October.

HoraceClarke66 said...

And you're right, Doug and JM and 999. The lethargy is palpable. They seem glad just to have escaped with the division crown they took when no one bothered to pursue. Now their biggest rivals in the league have been bumped off...and they still can't win!

HoraceClarke66 said...

And Warbler, I remember that great run by Bernie. I also remember some playoff series when he was awful. But you know what? There were always guys to pick him up, when he was. Paulie, or Jorge, or Tino, or especially Jeets. Or the bullpen, or role players such as Darryl, or Cecil Fielder, or even such bums as Jim Leyritz and Chad Curtis. Even Knoblauch!!

No such on this team...

HoraceClarke66 said...

I'll leave you with one more awful stat. Supposedly, Aaron Judge has the highest strikeout percentage of any player in postseason history. I don't know that as a fact. But I do know that Judge has 70 strikeouts in 46 games.

By comparison, Reggie Jackson—a bit of a free swinger, shall we say—had 70 strikeouts in 77 games.

I will never boo Judge, either. But yes, the comparison to A-Rod is all too apt, when it comes to his on-field performance. He can't hit in big games. He is not clutch.

ranger_lp said...

@Hoss...maybe Judge wont press as much on the least that's my thinking...

Joe of AZ said...

Here's to Jazz and Rodon being the only one showing any emotion ...if they channel it into productivity perhaps we'll delay the inevitable

JM said...

Sadly, he isn't. That puts a big, big dent in his stature for me. Maybe he can turn it around, but I'm not holding my breath.

TheWinWarblist said...

Suzyn sounds in fine voice.

TheWinWarblist said...

Hey! Hey! Judge put the ball in play! For an out, yeah, but in play!

TheWinWarblist said...

The Master IIH, IIF, II ... Caught us on that Bobby Witt fly ball!!

mik said...

Enough with the George Brett cam!

TheWinWarblist said...

Thuu-uhuhuh-UHUH METS WIN!!!

Rufus T. Firefly said...

Did Costass just say that an incel drove in a run?

Rufus T. Firefly said...

Yeah, incel scores.

You can't fucking make this shit up.

DickAllen said...

now we are in the twilight zone - Stanton just stole a base

TheWinWarblist said...

Who pinch ran for Stanton on that stolen base??

DickAllen said...

We are on the verge of yet another episode of the twilight zone: all four wild card teams my very well be in the championship series

TheWinWarblist said...


TheWinWarblist said...

“Giancarlo, non si puo stoparlo!”

TheWinWarblist said...

Hey? Where are you, Commentariat?

TheWinWarblist said...


THE MEN OF GLASS WIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rufus T. Firefly said...

Winnie, there was a game thread. Sorry for the way-too-late notice.

Dick, your 2024 NY Yankees are the only favorite leading at this point.

Welcome to the twilight zone.