Sunday, July 21, 2024

An Above Average Tasty Game Thread



Doug K. said...

That's a cool graphic. What year is it from?

Doug K. said...

Never mind I see it is from 2013.

Doug K. said...

Here's a really good site that breaks down stadium costs. Amazingly a hot dog at YS is still $3 but at Citi field it is $7.

Doug K. said...

Sorry. Last post for a while.

Doug K. said...

I lied! One batter. One home run. 1-0

Now I'm done.

BTR999 said...

Another great start

AboveAverage said...

Will Tampa Bay hit double digits today?

Also - Doug - It’s nice to see that the National Hot Dog and Sausage Council provided a comprehensive list of hot dog ingredients.

BTR999 said...

Arozarena a good hitter, one of the worst OFers I’ve ever seen

TheWinWarblist said...

Oh good. We are losing already. I was worried it might be close until the late innings.

Fuck Boone.

TheWinWarblist said...

Austin Wells is hitting clean up. Such a well constructed team. I'm actually missing the Man of Glass.

Fuck CashbBrain.

[added CashBrain to the dictionary]

JM said...

Wells is actually our best choice. Sad but true.

TheWinWarblist said...

And yet an 11 pitch walk is a good at bat.

AboveAverage said...

Wells did Well

JM said...

Once we had a love, and it was a gas.
Soon found out he was a man of glass...

Wells walks. No help. Now the real lame-o's will leave three stranded.

JM said...

Torres sucks.

JM said...

Verdugo...oy very. We have nobody.

JM said...

Ta da. Yeah, bad luck.

BTR999 said...


AboveAverage said...

Gleyber it ain’t so, Verdugo

JM said...

Biden withdraws. Ay caramba.

JM said...

Sterling is older, but I bet he could still do the job.

Carl J. Weitz said...

Yankees Stadium hot dog...$ 3.00. Rat feces- Priceless!

BTR999 said...

Double steal
Biden drops out
Triple steal !

BTR999 said...

Soto skeered of a bee

JM said...

Soto fails. Cripes.

Carl J. Weitz said...

JM...his withdrawal will save the country once again from a Trump nightmare.

BTR999 said...

ugh, swinging at 3-0 w/bases loaded?

Doug K. said...

Boone needs to get Biden Fever and resign too.

JM said...

Showboat, BTR. Once in a while, it works against him.

JM said...

Verdugo mystified by fat pitches.

Carl J. Weitz said...


Doug K. said...

and again bases loaded les than two outs

Piiax said...

Trump is so good a dancing on people's graves. I wonder how many billions will dance on his.

AboveAverage said...

Carl - did you play and win FIND THE FECES?

BTR999 said...

Bad AB by Cabrera

AboveAverage said...

Tampa Bay won’t need double digits to win today

Doug K. said...

Remember when the Yankees scored runs? Me neither.

BTR999 said...

Rice 3-24 against LH pitching

Cashman, fucking wake up!

AboveAverage said...

BTR - sad thing is: he is awake

ranger_lp said...

Just started watching…looks like another Ho-hummer…

AboveAverage said...

Verdugo! *

* bad ca!!

JM said...


AboveAverage said...

Yankees need to start getting thrown out.

Come on now.

BTR999 said...

Verdugo really got screwed on that strike call

Angel Hernandez: “Miss me yet?”

AboveAverage said...

boOne down - more to go

AboveAverage said...

Hey Siri: Why do the Yankees suck so badly.

Doug K. said...

This is where we get three runs but still lose. Because it's the same game.

ranger_lp said...

Judgean blast…

Doug K. said...

There you go. SAME GAME.

Doug K. said...

Rays add one or two runs in the 8th...


Carl J. Weitz said...

LOL...No- Just another reason I haven't eaten meat in decades .

AboveAverage said...

Doug - are you Kreskin?

Nice way to keep the runs coming, Gleyber!

AboveAverage said...

I hid feces in the image SO I thought you found it, Carl.

Sevy is correct - we do only have two hitters on the club.

AboveAverage said...

(read the ingredients along the bottom)

Doug K. said...


Kreskin at home... "Where the fuck are my car keys!"

JM said...

Kreskin to noisy neighbor: "Get bent!"

JM said...

We threw a guy out? What?

Doug K. said...

OK so they din't get the extra run until the 9th. SAME GAME!

Judge is the final out. Looking...

Hinkey Haines said...

And just in case you thought there was a chance of a comeback…

JM said...

Watch. They'll score two and lose by that last TB hHR.

JM said...

That's one.

JM said...

Missed it by that much.

JM said...


Doug K. said...

So it was Wells taking the called third strike. SAME GAME!

Pocono Steve said...

Impressive final AB there from our cleanup hitter.

Doctor T said...

Rice .211 .767
Soto, J .307 1.008
Judge .309 1.116
Wells, A .213 .685
Torres .229 .647
Verdugo .228 .651
Volpe .249 .676
Grisham .180 .653
Cabrera, O .242 .632

2 professional hitters in a sea of mediocrity and pathetic-ness. Sad. Sad. Sad.

When will the unending nightmare of Cashman's smug and smarmy incompetence end? EVERYONE in leadership needs to go. But nothing will change EVER until and unless Cashman is the FIRST one fired.

Oasisdave said...

The era of Cashole, what a smelly bum

13bit said...

The team of the century cannot lose! I do not believe any of you.

AboveAverage said...

They did not lose, bitty.

In fact - the 2024 New York Yankees extended their winning streak to 1300 games.

Plus - if you call 1-800-FAN-DUEL right now and enter the number 1300NY on your touch tone key pad - you will be sought out and anointed Yankees Fan of the Day!

Don’t wait too long. This offer is only open to the first 2024 callers from the Tri-State area. Toll charges may apply. Proof of still being a fan of this pathetic shit-show of a baseball team may be required if you’re not President Biden and/or you’re over the age of 70.

Publius said...

RailRiders beat Buffalo. Salvaged the day for Scranton.