Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Game Thrrrrrrrrrread



ranger_lp said...

Aaron Boone says Jasson Dominquez could start rehab games within the coming week per @ChrisKirshner...

HoraceClarke66 said...

Just in case you guys didn't catch it from the last thread...

Scotland! That is so great, what a terrific tribute! I hope I can get there someday myself, and if I do, the beer will be on me (not to mention the Scotch).

Thanks so much—and thanks, JM!

HoraceClarke66 said...

And JM, love that Mr. Met wristwatch! Wonder how much it's worth today?

JM said...

At least $9.95, Hoss. I mean, Swiss movement.

JM said...

Our leadoff and cleanup are embarrassing.

JM said...


JM said...


JM said...

Wow, Vertigo can bunt.

JM said...

Where is everybody?

AboveAverage said...

I was walking the dogs.

They were BARKING up Haikus left and right, JM!

But I’m in game now!

JM said...

Rufus Thomas, Walkin' the Dog.

AboveAverage said...


101 degrees here


AboveAverage said...

Big inning for our pitcher.

He gets outta the fifth it’s a big deal.

Also - Cone bites his fingernails - who knew.

Double play time!!!!

AboveAverage said...

Vertigo is scared of the wall

JM said...

Verdugo is worthless.

AboveAverage said...

Great throw by Soto

I must disagree with you, JM. Vertigo is worth at least a slurpee and a bag of nuts

JM said...


AboveAverage said...


JM said...

Lindor took one for the team. Purposefully got hit.

AboveAverage said...

Foul Ball

AboveAverage said...

JM - you still in Palm Springs?

JM said...


JM said...

No, back in NYC. Going to Germany on Thursday.

JM said...

Miss a lot of games while there. Time difference is murder. Three weeks, too.

AboveAverage said...

No date shakes in Germany (that I’m aware of)

AboveAverage said...

JM - since it is only us here at the moment - what should we chat about?

AboveAverage said...

Oh my god - a strike out

AboveAverage said...

Where is everyone 🤣

AboveAverage said...

Ugh —. Face Palm

AboveAverage said...

Vertigo RBI - is there a rally for our Groans?

JM said...

Sorry, had watch Chopped, recorded, to mollify the missus. So catching up now in the bottom of the fifth.

AboveAverage said...

Xifaxan for IBS! *

*May cause IBS and fatal side affects.

JM said...

Oh my. McNeil HR.

AboveAverage said...

Yah Yah, Herr JM.

AboveAverage said...


JM said...

Ok, caught up.

John Mayall died, 90. A legend.

JM said...

Oh fuck, Ferguson. Jesus Christ.

JM said...

Bader sucks for us, hits .300 for the Mets.

JM said...

Wow, Vertigo judged a fly ball.

JM said...

And now, we honor America by playing an old record.

BTR999 said...

Trying to be calm, but still pissed about that earlier sac bunt by Verdugo. Why bunt with a raw rookie and the worst hitter in BB up next. Might as well take a hack at it, as predictably we didn’t score.

AboveAverage said...

Do you have any pharmaceuticals you can use to calm down with, BTR?

AboveAverage said...

Hustle Hustle Hustle!

AboveAverage said...

Grisham actually ran fast

JM said...

Soto disappoints.

JM said...

Cowards. Intentional pass to Judge.

AboveAverage said...

Barry Judge

JM said...

Shit. Rice almost.

AboveAverage said...

Cone brings some intelligence to the booth.

Also - tag a move to third on that fly ball!

JM said...


AboveAverage said...

Wasted opportunities 🙁

Pocono Steve said...

Not watching this anymore. Would rather drink a bucket of horsefuck.

JM said...

Good name for a band.

JM said...

Wasted opportunities.

AboveAverage said...

Bucket of Horsef@ck - impressive

AboveAverage said...


AboveAverage said...

Vertigo HR?

Maybe the time has come.

AboveAverage said...


JM said...

Or he injures himself. Just a ground out.

JM said...

God. Holmes.

Hinkey Haines said...

Holmes in to put the game out of reach.

JM said...

Shit, DJ.

Carl J. Weitz said...

At least the top 3 will bat in the 9th.
By the end of next week, both Stanton and The Martian should be back in the Yankees lineup. That should hopefully send a couple of AAA players back to Scranton and nail Verdugo's ass to the bench.

JM said...

Fuck Bader.

JM said...

Carl, we can only hope.

JM said...

Holmes looked decent.

BTR999 said...

LeMahieu, man…

JM said...


JM said...

It'll be up to Rice.

BTR999 said...

Getting screwed by the ump as usual.
Proud to say I was among the first to call for ABS, which will stop the umps and put an end to the hirseshir commonly called pitch framing.

BTR999 said...

Mets should pitch around Judge

BTR999 said...

Judge not a big 9th inning guy…

AboveAverage said...


JM said...

Judge very seldom a drama hitter.

JM said...

Ah, well.

BTR999 said...

Rice can’t hit lefties.

AboveAverage said...


BTR999 said...


JM said...


ranger_lp said...


BTR999 said...

Look, anytime you put a lineup out there that has Jah Jones leading off and J.D. Davis hitting cleanup, you’re pretty much punting.

This lineup has too many holes to be patched at the T/D. Once again another season destroyed by cashman & staff. Knowing he’ll be back next year and longer causes me to become physically ill.

AboveAverage said...

You know what Ize hate?

Me hates Ben das Yunkeez loose.

Like stool outta a sick bison


You can quote me on that:

The Bowl it won’t Flush
Nothing takes away the stench
How can Cashman sleep

AboveAverage said...

Looking forward to seeing tomorrow’s game!

Rufus T. Firefly said...

Ladies and Gentlemen, your 2024 Yankees.

Brought to you by HAL, Ca$hole and Bonehead.

Pocono Steve said...

It's exactly the team that Hal deserves.

Kevin said...

Martian takes over left field, Stanton comes back hitting like he was before the injury, Schmidt returns and pitches to form, the three or four injured bullpen lug nuts return to form, The Brain engineers a trade for competent help for the infield corners, and two or three good pitchers for the staff, and finally someone unlooked for fights his way off of the farm to provide a boost. This scenario unfolds over the next one to five weeks. Can the team be true contenders for the RING? Is this possible, or improbable, NFW (no fucking way), 'Kevin stop with the mushrooms already ', 'Kevin you are a bigger idiot than I already had you pegged for'. Because I think that most of my "scenario" has to unfold f the Yankees to have an interesting final couple of months. Horace's great piece regarding 1975 and the trades which led to three pennants and two Rings gave me food for thought. Can The Brain engineer the subtle trades coupled with players returning from the DL who still can play actually forge a winner 🏆? Thoughts?

AboveAverage said...

Kevin - great post - We will just have to see how everything shakes out over the coming week plus.

Given your layout - where do u think Vertigo goes?

Kevin said...

AA, thanks! Vertigo goes to the bench if/when The Martian lands. He's really a fourth outfielder these days.