Friday, July 12, 2024's Rail Riders-Mets gamer is a press release

I don't look at their sports section much--hardly ever, obviously--and this has probably been going on for years and everybody but me knows about it and I'm making myself look ridiculous, but--what the fuck?! 

Computer, enhance: 


AboveAverage said...

I do vaguely remember Syracuse - it is in New York, correct?

JM said...

Somewhere out West, I think, AA. Along with Utica, Rochester (I always hear that name in Jack Benny's voice), Binghamton, and then there's Buffalo. Which is supposedly one of the best places to live as we move further into the era of climate change.

Yeah, beats me.

AboveAverage said...

and why do you think buffalo is considered one of the best places to live as we move further into the era of climate change?

HoraceClarke66 said...

Oh, you mean how companies are now allowed to write their own press releases and pass them off as "news"? Yep. Another sign of the end of the world.

Of course, this probably isn't even the work of an actual p.r. guy, but an AI system.

Yeah, end of the world all right. I can't say I feel fine, but some gin will change that.

Rufus T. Firefly said...


As a wise man, you know that gin fixes everything.

To paraphrase Homer Simpson, here's to alcohol. The cause of, and the solution to, ALL of life's problems!