Saturday, July 13, 2024

Threadbare game thread

 Between the two teams, you could fashion a pretty decent lineup. Maybe we should just merge.


AboveAverage said...

Get ready for some FIREWORKS-~-

BTR999 said...

O’s pitching around Judge, which is how you handle the opposition’s big hitter.

Boone - pay attention!

AboveAverage said...

I sure hope Boone heard u, BTR (formerly Clark Kent)

AboveAverage said...

Porn Stash Goes Smash

Doug K. said...

That'll do. Oh and NO Joe Buck.

Rufus T. Firefly said...


For some reason, I don't think the Master would use that as his home run call.

Hinkey Haines said...

Something’s wrong with my computer. It says the Yankees are winning.

AboveAverage said...

Try pouring a glass of Budweiser into your computer and then reboot.

AboveAverage said...

Gil’s body language looked awkward there for a bit but he got out of it.


Who on your NY Yankees gets buzzed/hit?

BTR999 said...

Today is LeMahieu’s 36th birthday. Hope he gives US a present and retires.

The dregs of the Yankee order are out on 4 pitches in the second. I’d make ‘em run laps in the heat.

A/A, I think they’ll buzz Welles.

Buzz Welles sounds like the sidekick from a 1940’# serial

Rufus T. Firefly said...

If they buzz Wells, will it remove his porn stash?

AboveAverage said...

Setting up low - catching high with a positive nod - could mean the pitch calling is being jiggled up a bit. Nice

AboveAverage said...

Depends….on what brand of razor blades are mounted on the ball they buzz him with, RTF.

I think it will be Volpe or Vertigo

Doug K. said...

Volpe looks terrible

JM said...

I think we should call Wells "Buzz." Aren't nearly enough goofy nicknames in baseball these days.

JM said...

DJ looking 36 during that punch out.

JM said...

Volpe not looking foxish, Doug. More like Droopy Dog.

BTR999 said...

JM 👍👍 on both.

JM said...

So how does a stomach virus put Davis on the IL for 10 days? Must be a hell of a virus.

AboveAverage said...

Torres eaten alive by that hit . Too bad it didn’t swallow him as well

JM said...

DJ looking kinda 36 on that grounder.

JM said...

Showboat Soto.

AboveAverage said...

Soto goes Yardo

JM said...


Belly to belly!!

AboveAverage said...

Judge Goes Smudge

ranger_lp said...

Back to back and a belly to belly…

AboveAverage said...

NExt pitcher

JM said...

Kay is an ivy hater.

AboveAverage said...

Brutal AB

Doug K. said...

Richard Simmons and Dr. Ruth RIP. I heard they were lovers.

AboveAverage said...

And there - ladies and gentlemen - is our third :

Shelly Duvall
Dr Ruth
Richard Simmons

JM said...

Santander dives a lot.

JM said...

Dr. Ruth was 4' 7". Her husband was 5' 5". Towered over her.

AboveAverage said...

They lived on different floors in their high rise apartment, JM?

Also Michael Kay is really excited about that new razor phone, isn’t he?

TheWinWarblist said...

They had better not blow this

Doug K. said...

I'm watching on FS1 - don't have to listen to Kay and Co.

JM said...

Trump might have been shot at a rally. Not hurt badly.

Story developing....

JM said...

He hit the dirt really fast after grabbing the side of his head.

JM said...

Thuuuuuuuuh Yankees win!!

AboveAverage said...

2024 - continues

TheWinWarblist said...

It's over. It's over. I'm relieved.

TheWinWarblist said...

So relieved...

BTR999 said...

Looks like he was clipped in the ear. I’ll forgo further comment

But a pretty solid win today. Very good outing by Gil backed by 3 homers. Sweep tomorrow? Whoda thunk it?

Rufus T. Firefly said...

Dr. Ruth was proof that size doesn't matter.

At least that's what she said.

AboveAverage said...

I respect our attempts to not comment too much on what happened a few hours ago.*

2024 - Showing humanity the door.

(* it may influence my Haiku)