Friday, July 19, 2024

Yanks welcome back - um - J.D. Davis

 Highlight of the season.


Hinkey Haines said...

Order your championship t-shirt TODAY, while supplies last…

AboveAverage said...

“I just scrape, load, and I’m done!”

AboveAverage said...

Verdugo makes the catch! *

*and doesn’t fall down

JM said...

I'd rather have Patti Davis.

AboveAverage said...

Tony fights it off and gets a level, balanced line drive single to center.

JM said...

DJ is terrible. Sad.

JM said...

Hahahahahaha! Soto bunts!

AboveAverage said...

Soto BuNtO !

JM said...

Bases loaded, no outs. Vertigo and Torres coming up. I predict a zero, and a DP.

JM said...

Vertigo couldn't hit it well enough for a DP.

JM said...

Oh, Wells. My mistake.

AboveAverage said...

Torres and Vertigo showing some POWER!

JM said...

Pathetic, ain't it?

JM said...

It's up to the kid.

JM said...


AboveAverage said...


JM said...

I have one of their CDs. Pretty good.

AboveAverage said...

Rice appears to be swinging for the fences all the time now

AboveAverage said...

Not too concerned because I know that the coaching staff will make the necessary adjustments

JM said...

That's great. Soto!!!!

AboveAverage said...

Golly Golly Golly

JM said...

Gol-ly, Sargeant Carter.

AboveAverage said...

I just heard Michael Kay tell Meredith that He, Paulie and Cone had a three-way!

Wait until Standards and Practices get involved!

JM said...

There's a visual nobody wants in their head.

JM said...


JM said...

Ferguson has the ability to turn this into a save situation.

JM said...

Thuuuuuuuuh Yankees win!

ranger_lp said...

Yankees Win!!!

AboveAverage said...

Cat has eaten Winny’s tongue

edb said...

Welcome back to the pine J.D.