Saturday, January 9, 2010

Tidwad Cashman Set to Break Bank for Junior Hairston?

All that talk about cutting payroll? Out the window.

He's going to cost a king's cody ransom.

Wait a minute.

Wither yonder goest Cody?


Stang said...

Don't you call Brian Cashman a tidwad.

What's a tidwad?

dadlak said...

As wise person once told me, "never consult El Duque on matters of spelling."

Rufus T. Firefly said...

I thought Alphonso was the drunk one.

Rarn said...

we all love Miguel Cairo and his .615 winning percentage

well the yankees had a .711 winning percentage with Jerry Hairston

if he started next year, the yankees would be a 115 win team

believe it.