Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Our New Method of Voting Begins Now

For complete security and secrecy from MLB lawyers, baseball fans in America must now use a revised method of voting for this month's, "Player of the month," on the recently "banned" IIH,IIF, IIb website ( formerly, before the attack on our personal freedom, this site was known as, IIH, IIF, IIc).

For ink kits, write or call your Congressional representative, your favorite lobbyist, or send a fax to MLB.com, and indicate that you have pentagonal security clearance.

Give only your team affiliation and no personal information. Above all, only use fax machines available to you in 7-11 stores, or other such public venues.

Do not name any children, relatives, off-spring or friends.

Vote early and vote often. It is the American way.

Thomas Paine and the Founding Fathers are watching what is occurring here today, and it will be our task to honor the bases upon which this country was built.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Grandy Man can. Oh The Grandy Man can. Curtis Granderson - something sort of Grandish.