Tuesday, May 21, 2024



Rufus T. Firefly said...

Maybe he knows the brother of the midget 2nd baseman -- the one on the carmines, not the ass-stros.


Is Jerry Sandusky a trainer for them?

Rufus T. Firefly said...

Video of the arrest.


He's a pervert. And I mean not in a good way.

TheWinWarblist said...

Shades of Luis Polonia.

AboveAverage said...

Stang, Uh Huh.

ranger_lp said...

If you don't already know, this is a worldwide issue...

Mildred Lopez said...


That first guy out the door looked like Jack Lambert. Annihilated him.

Joe Formerlyof Brooklyn said...


I'm at the beach. The unit here gets Bloomberg TV (I don't at home). I have it on with no sound. Business news with the sound of the ocean!

Headline just passed by about some part-owner trying to sell his stake in the Yankees.

Found it on Yahoo Fin --

Should we round up and combine our pennies?

Maybe y'all knew this, I didn't.

Rufus T. Firefly said...

Joe, no estimate of the price. I'm in for 2 cents.

HoraceClarke66 said...

Very sorry to hear about everyone's losses during Covid. It was an awful time.

Not sorry to have missed last night's triple-order-of-pineapple debacle. Holmes was overdue to punt one. But Gleyber is truly having one of the worst, all-around seasons I have ever seen. I agree with Doug: let the other Oswald have a shot, let The General have a shot if he gets back any time soon, let that whirling Dervish down in Scranton have a shot. Anybody! And trade Torres for what you can get.

But they won't trade him—because Cashie got him.

And if they did trade him, Cashie would screw up the trade.

Yes, that's right folks: we are, once again, in...The Cashman Conundrum!

JM said...

Fucking Cashman.