Saturday, September 6, 2008

For What She Spent on Gowns, Cindy McCain Could Have Worn Melky Cabrera to the Convention

It looks like a leftover from Devo's "Whip It" tour, but this turnip-hugging shroud cost our Future First Lady a meager $300,000!

Yeesh. We pay Melky Cabrera $432,000 a year -- to bat .240, no less.

Cindy could have hired the Melk Man (pictured below in Nixon mode) to shag flies throughout the convention. She'd have had cash left over for Dan Giese on the side.

I'm not sure how to figure this. The more I look at that dress, the more I think the Yanks aren't getting such a bad deal with Melky.


adam said...

I'll be honest, I'm not sure how I feel about all this political content all of the sudden. The joke was funny after the first two posts.. one mocking and then one "apologizing." Now it's dead and needs to go away. Back to the normal lamenting of a miserable season.

Anonymous said...

adam, hope you got your swimmies, because we're going to be drowned in political content everywhere for the next few months.

Melky better get his act together, otherwise I'd rather see that dress wearing pinstripes.

adam said...

bigjf, thanks for continuing to take it in the ass from the media. I personally thought most people came to blogs to get away from the branded bullshit that major media outlets put out, but that's just me.

Anonymous said...

$300 haircut = bad
$300k gown = good

People who complain about "politics" = priceless

Anonymous said...

If I wanted to read about sports and have it needlessly interrupted by useless political opinion, I'd read Lupica. See his 9/7/09 article - he goes from Pettitte to Romney to Roddick. Honestly, I hope McCain wins just to piss him off.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, the date for Lupica's column is 9/7/08. His 9/7/09 column will probably jump from Pavano (making his first start of the season after we resigned him) to Palin (how the hell did we end up with her as President) to Farve (out for the season again).

Anonymous said...

Adam and Murph go shit in your hat. I like the political content. In case you havent noticed no one is watching the Yankees play Seattle at 10pm at night while 8 games back from the WC.
He's keeping the blog interesting.

Anonymous said...

adam, honestly the only reason I read blogs is to be assured that commenters like you are indeed thinking about my ass. It is a nice ass, after all...

But in all seriousness, I think you misread me. Political bs is going to be everywhere for the next couple of months, that's just how it is come election time. But the idea I'm letting the media get to me is absurd. I don't even vote.

adam said...

Then you are even more embarrassing as an American than I originally thought. Political coverage doesn't "upset" me, I just don't think it belongs here whatsoever. It doesn't make the blog interesting, it turns what is already not interesting into drivel even worse and less worthy of my eyes. But clearly I don't run this blog and the rest of you cocksuckers do. At the very least I think we should be Equal Opportunity Satirers and cover both sides of the issues.

Anonymous said...

The hell with all of you.

It was a comment about Melky Cabrera, goddammit.

Don't you understand? This whole carving up of the nation's electorate is just an attempt to drive Yankee fans apart?

Anonymous said...

I generally stay away from blogs I don't like though you can certainly express your opinion which will most definitely make an impact on the decision-making process when a member of this blog posts new content.

After all, they are here to serve you and if you don't like what they are saying, they need to stop saying it!

Would you like fries with that, too?

Anonymous said...

This blog has been blessed by the Pope and specifically authorized, therefore,to integrate political diatribes into all Yankee failures.

The owners of all religions, and the current administration, are encouraged to speak on any topic, usually communicated through round, black stones in a cowboy hat.

The Constitution of the United states once permitted guns, books and babes to assist citizens in pursuing life, liberty and happiness.

Torture was originally prohibited by that document, but Dick Cheney has ammended that limitation.

So these comments, asking for baseball only discussions, constitute torture and must be welcomed.