Monday, May 31, 2010
Sunday, May 30, 2010
A Win Warble that MLB lawyers can't shut down ... although they'll probably try
Here you go, ladies and gentlemen, today's Win Warble ... sponsored by MLB Properties!!!!!
Yankees, dejected and disillusioned by MLB attack on team blog, collapse
They must be laughing in the Kremlin today...
Not only did Rug Selig's suited predator drones take out the IT IS HIGH/Summer YouTube Beach Party, but now they're affecting Yankee team play itself. The Bombers -- demoralized by the Top Kill legal mechanisms that have now ended the WinWarble -- crumbled against Cleveland like a chunk of sidewalk chalk -- so Selig's used-car dealer/small market baseball owner fantasies can finally play out in the real world. Just like a reality TV show!
If MLB can destroy the Yankees -- through IIH, of course -- it will drive down the cost of free agency until Carl Crawford is earning less than a drive-thru automaton at Wendy's, and MLB will achieve NFL-like parity -- because let's face it, when it comes to paying the help, they're communists at heart.
ALSO: THANKS TO JOHN STERLING who gave us a shout-out yesterday in the 7th. He called our name. We'd play it for you, but for the MLB cone of silence.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Open Letter to Maury Povich: Let me confront my MLB abusers on your show
I have been abused by strangers, and I want justice on your show.
The slimey, pennypinching copyright lawyers -- aw, hell, they're bastards, why call them anything else? -- the suited oily MLB bastards forced those free-speech jelly donuts at YouTube to censor my life's only valuable achievement, (beyond my invention of "the Talking Foreskin.): the WinWarble measurement index.
Moreso, it has deleted discussions of John's favorite books, explanations about the impossibility of predicting baseball games and and the mash-ups, yes, Maury, the mash-ups -- even my Bruce Springsteen/John Sterling duet, which consisted of the final strains of "Born to Run" interspersed with John Sterling yelling "thuuuuuuh."
There must five seconds overall of Sterling's yell of Thuuuh.
Copyright infringement. YouTube apparently received a legal-BS letter on an MLB legal masthead, and the sissies caved in like a tent made of single-ply Kleenex. This is the future of free speech? Where's Rand Paul? Where's Saul Alinsky? Three seconds of "thuhhhh" -- why deny it, of course, it came from a Yankee broadcast -- is so sacred that -- in the context of parody, of satire, of humor -- MLB must exorcize it from the airwaves. WTF?
Maury, we're non-commericial. We're small. We do this for fun. Oh, hell, why bother continuing, Maury, here's the reality: MLB wasn't earning money from us, and it pays lawyers a lot of money... so...
Maury, we're counting on you. Bring us on your show.
Let thuuuuuuuuh people decide.
Friday, May 28, 2010
The Search is on for a New Voice to Represent IIH, IIF, II...c
John Sterling can never be replaced (apparently), but now is the chance for this blog to find a new voice for all the Yankiverse, one to inspire the fans, motivate the players and carry on a great tradition. Send in your videos now!
10 things MLB lawyers do when not harassing Yankee blogs
1. Cruise municipal landfills for diseased rats to mate with.
9. Slither.
10. Chase ambulances, because incapacitated victims might be wearing unlicensed MLB merchandise.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
I'm coming back from the dirt field league to work with you on a counter-strategy to their counter strategy.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
MLB killed the video star
The suits have finally discovered this site and, because there isn't a coin slot for them, there can be no more winwarbles, no more Sterling mash-ups, no more sounds. They have effectively killed every YouTube video we ever produced. Everything.
Oh well. Always knew this day would come.
Have to figure out something else to rile the waters and have fun. Any ideas?
Yankees bring back Chad Gaudin to bolster bullpen, sense of hopeless desperation
Excuse me, but does this merry-go-round stop at Grand Central Station?
Picture of the Day
Yankee Offense Continues To Put Up Big Numbers
Last night, we put up zilch in 6 against the Twins in the rain. AJ pitched a great game, so we didn't officially lose this one yet.
Yankees' jellylike collapse tied to Bono's back jelly?
Are they astral twins?
John last night, assessing the inability of our 3-4-5 batters to drive in runs:
"NOT... GOOD."
Sarah Palin's rhymes for little teapots
In Slate... go there.
"Governor Jan Brewer Had It To Do, Too"
John last night, reporting the eventual final score:
"At the end of five, nut'n, nut'n... honey."
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Just One Piece of Advice..........
Yankees to 2010: DROP DEAD
Get Ready For More Ugly
Many of you may recall ( or choose not to ) that I forecast, at best, a .500 week to ten days, following the last debacle with the Twins.
Pat Venditte still throwing from both arms, still Mr. Tampa
Yesterday's off-day/drinking day, scheduled to amplify our desperation, calls for updating the Yankee Seed Incubation Center, aka farm system. Not since that dude woke up in 28 Days Later to find the world dead and zombified has such an eye-opening visitation provoked stomach-clench terror. Jesus is being betrayed by his bat. Nobody is becoming a somebody. So we must eye the Yankee God of Dexterity, Pat Venditte, the famous switch pitcher, who may never see the candle light of Scranton's mines.
Yesterday, the AC-DC threw two innings in single A Tampa. No runs. No hits. One walk. One strikeout. His ERA is 2.31. This is his second season in Tampa. Last year, his ERA at Tampa was 2.21. Most prospects -- especially those from a dead and zombified system -- would get promoted. Not Venditte. He'll turn 25 next month. He's on track to reach NYC in 2027, moments ahead of the asteroid.
OK, truth: I have no clue whether Venditte can ever pitch in MLB. I am no scout. I must trust Yankee scouts. Apparently, they do not see Venditte as a super prospect. Otherwise, they would promote him. They must see a flaw. They must see something. I just see an ERA of 2.31.
But here's the fear: In their evaluations, are they comparing Venditte, the lefty, with all other lefties? -- and Venditte, the righty, with all the other righties? If so, he's toast. He must look hopeless. But... is that a fair appraisal? Nobody else on the planet throws professionally with both hands. You can't measure this guy with a radar gun. Way I seez it: There can be only one criteria for a guy like Pat Venditte: Results.
What more can he do in Tampa? Will he be cleaning the oil slick with both hands?
Monday, May 24, 2010
Brien Taylor pitches again in Syracuse
Other Live Streaming Video Feeds We Need
Inside of Brett Michaels' heart.
Critics question Yank pitchers' involvement with BP
Washington _ In the wake of an ongoing disaster, the White House is asking why the New York Yankees have allowed their pitching staff to become BP.
"It's very distressing, their involvement with BP," Interior Secretary Ken Salazar said, adding that Yankee fans should not tolerate long-term ties. "We can't let BP continue the entire season."
Salazar did not say what remedy the government would offer, although Sen. Jim Bunning is said to be "stretching his pitch count" into the mid-twenties.
Yankee's 2010 Season Revealed
Can you see Ken Phellps' head as he takes first tentative steps of re-hab?
It's only May -- that is -- unless it's December for Mo
Then Mariano coughed.
Ever since, kaboom.
Conventional Wisdom says don't panic, it's May, we're in the hunt, we'll turn this around... etc.
Fuk that shit. Panic. Until Mariano is lights out again -- and the 900-pound Magilla in the room is Mariano's age -- we will flap and flounder.
Practically every slump in recent years has followed a Mariano failure. (Hell, 2002-2008 was a reaction to his blowing the 2001 Series.) Considering his 9th against the Mets Friday, no lead is safe. Nothing.
We might as well leave those runners in scoring position. The loss won't hurt so badly.
Soon, Granderson will return, Teixiera will hit, and Jeter will stop swinging at balls in the dirt. Won't matter. Until Mariano is lights out, we are screwed.
And if he does not return -- one day, the ship will sail and never come back to port -- well, this will be the year we channel Toronto.
So... panic. It doesn't matter. It's May -- that is, unless it's December.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Let's play "Replace the words"
Instead of TV critic, let's replace the words "Locke" and "Lost" with ... Joba!
John Sterling: TV Critic
You're off the mark, Teixiera
Three whiffs, each a backbreaker. All we can do is play through. Juan Miranda is not an option. Jesus Montero is not an option. Whatever we have down in the mines, it's not an option.
Death is an option. But it's only May. Death in May is much too early.
What we need is a home and away series with Kansas City, sandwiching a tour of the National League Central. Hello, schedulemakers? Book a flight to KC!
Saturday, May 22, 2010
This Yankee Team Is going Nowhere
A few obvious remarks:
Jesus Will Have To Learn A New Position
Finally, some of the people who count are acknowledging that Cervelli may actually be a prospect.
Is Kevin Russo the new Mariano?
Allright you bastards, it's time for some old-fashioned, smart-ass, scientific blogging.
Is Kevin Russo the new Mariano?
Hoomph?, you ask Has el duque lost his Reeses Pieces, sitting at home and watching video of that underwater spill? No.
Kevin Russo finished 10th in the IL last year in hitting. He was one of the three guys in the top 10 under age 25. He stole 13 bases. He hit .326. And he had no position. He played everywhere. If Tim McCarver were writing this blog, he'd say Kevin did everything but sell tickets. Mwah-mwah-mwah. (Insert gunshot here.)
If Russo was in the Kansas City Royal Jellies, he'd have played half the season in the majors, probably starting in the infield. Hell, he'd be on their match covers. Do they have team match covers?
Ramiro Pena can field. Russo can hit.
OK -- in this 3D era (DH, that is: Thames, Jorge, Swish, the former Nick Johnson), these two guys are our bench.
And here is the evolution of our universal adaptors... Jerry Hairston replaced Wilson Betemit, who replaced Miguel Cairo, who replaced Enrique Sojo, who replaced Clay Bellinger, who replaced the ultiliy infielder who began this long Yankee run: Mariano Duncan.
Before Mariano Duncan, we were an entire team of utility players. (See Velardi, Randy.)
So the question is... can we win with 3 DHs and two all-purpose socket wrenches? And do we have a replacement for Mariano?
Friday, May 21, 2010
Knobby 26th All-Time, Heading For 27th
David Eckstein got hit by another pitch last night, bringing his career total to 139. That moves him into a tie for 26th place on the all time list with Chuck Knoblauch, but Eckstein has reached that total in 2 fewer seasons than Knoblauch. Dodgers rookie Carlos Monasterios delivered number 139, and he’s the first pitcher who’s more than 11 years younger than Eckstein to plunk him. Prior to this month, Eckstein hadn’t been hit by anyone more than 9 years younger than him, but his last 3 plunks have come from pitchers at least 9 years his junior.
The Good News
John Sterling created a home run call for Juan Miranda ("JUAN GONE!")!
Curts Granderson updated his blog!
Boxing is returning to Yankee Stadium!
This New York YankeesTM 2009 World Series® Championship Carousel can be yours for five easy payments of $39.99!
Yankee Bus Hanging By A Thread
As the Yankees wake-up today, they are another day older.
Ten Fears that Haunt the Marrow of Our Souls
1. One of these days, Brett Gardner will return to earth. He's good, solid -- but he's not a .330 hitter.
2. It's rare for Mariano blow two catastrophic saves in a row. And Joba has become predictably erratic.
3. Mark Teixiera seems genuinely spooked by defensive overshifts. Also, when a all-fields slugger suddenly becomes a dead-pull hitter, something's wrong. Last night, he just kept trying to drill the ball through the right side, and it's never going to work.
4. Every month, a new story flares between Arod and that Canadian doctor being probed for body-boosters. It's insane to think that, after his 2009 public confession, Arod would have dared use enhancers again. Is he channeling Tiger Woods?
5. Jorge out a month. Can Cervelli handle an everyday grind? He won't hit .400. What if he gets nicked? For two years now, we've been constantly told how our farm system is loaded at catcher. Chad Moeller? And then who?
6. Jeter looks old. He's not hitting. He'll break out, of course, but this could be an off-year. Let's face it: At his age, are they called "off-years?"
7. In his spring fling, Granderson showed little ability to hit lefties. Cashman's Nick Johnson acquisition is now a certifiable Cat-5 fiasco. We still don't know what we have in Granderson. But the lefty thing is distressing.
8. Tampa is real. Tampa is a team of hungry, seasoned, cocky players in their primes. They could win the division by 10 games. We may be battling for the Wild Card, while having to face Tampa, Boston and Toronto 16 times each. That, folks, is how Seattle makes the post-season.
9. Aside from Austin Romine, who won't contribute this year, none of our high ceiling prospects is breaking out. Jesus hasn't had a prayer at Scranton. Andrew Brackman looks a total bust. Slade Heathcott didn't make it to Charleston. Bradley Suttle is on track to reach the majors by age 29.
10. Big names will go on the block a month from now. Cashman will feel pressure to snag somebody. How much more can our depleted system lose?
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Nick Johnson Moved to 2000 Day DL
It just came across the TV scroll at Donnelly's bar: Nick Johnson has been moved from the 15 day DL to the 60 day DL.
I Don't Know Whether To Laugh Or Cry
The injuries are mounting. Old guys, young guys, everyone.
Forbes: Yank logo is the Tiffany's, the Alpo, the Acapulco Gold, of world sports swag
We are the Cadillac, the Anchor Steam Beer, the Pamela Anderson model breast implants, of modern pro athletic franchises. Our interlocking "NY" sets the standard for all overpriced logoed crapola, says Forbes, via the official Yankee government news agency, Yes:
The Yankees swapped spots with Manchester United, which fell to second on the list, just ahead of Real Madrid. In fact, five of the top seven franchises on Forbes' list were European soccer teams. The only other baseball teams to crack the top 10 were the Yankees' chief rivals: The Red Sox placed eighth, followed immediately by the Mets.
Hoist the flag high, Yankiverse. Our rightfielder may be Ramiro Pena. But that logo on his forehead is Orville Redenbacher.
Return of the Moell Man? 10 Fun Facts about Chad Moeller to celebrate his impending return!
4. In 2004, Chad became the first Milwaukee Brewer EVER to hit for the cycle at home!
5. In August of 2007, the Reds traded Chad to the Dodgers for "cash considerations!"
6. In 2008, the Yankees obtained Chad, released him, re-obtained him, dropped him, and then brought him back again!
7. Chad's last name is a homimym!
8. Chad's hominidal namesake -- the molar -- is considered the most complicated tooth in mammals. Adult mammals have 12 molars in groups of three in the back of the mouth. They are used for grinding food!
9. Human molars are known as the "maxillary first molars," "maxillary second molars," and "maxillary third molars." Considering that his is Chad's second year with the Yankees, he could be nicknamed "the maxillary second Moeller!"
10. Archbishop Moeller High School in Cinncinati has one of the nation's strongest athletic programs! Thus, John Sterling's signature home run call for Chad could be: "The Archbishop sure touched that ball!"
May is the cruelest month
From our 2008 flashback.... Because those who cannot remember history... are Met fans.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Yankees In Talks To Bolster Pen, Sign London 2012 Olympics Mascots


The Ballad of Jed Clamp-it
Beckett must go on the DL
He's hurt! That's what Team Terry claimed last night! Injury! Tweak! Pain! Where was Joe West! Where was Joe Buck! Where was Joe Lieberman! Oh, I'm hurt! Take me out! I just pulled something! My medulla oblongatta! Bring in a replacement! Rules? Don't tell me about rules! Can't you see the pain in my eyes? Get me a stretcher! Where's the ambulance! Where's the Commissioner! Where's the justice! THEY PULLED THE TARP OFF THE BULLPEN MOUND TWO PITCHES BEFORE HE CAME OUT! HOW PHONY CAN YOU BE! THEY HAD TO BE LAUGHING IN THE DUGOUT! HOW GULLIBLE CAN AN UMPIRING CREW BE? DO THE RULES MEAN NOTHING? NO JUSTICE, NO PEACE! NO JUSTICE, NO PEACE! MOCKERY OF THE GAME! HAVE THEY NO SHAME? THIS MUST NOT PASS! NAY UNTO ALL YEE WHO WOULD SUBMIT TO THIS INJUSTICE, FOR I SAY THERE SHALL BE A BETTER WAY UNTO THE TRUTH OF BASEBALL, AND WE SHALL NEVER SUBMIT TO DECEIT AS A FORM OF SPORTSMANSHIP, AND WE SHALL NEVER SUBMIT TO THIS MOCKERY OF THE GAME! DO YOU HEAR ME, WORLD? MOCKERY OF THE GAME!
This aint over. That's all I'm sayin.
This. Aint. Over.
A .500 Team
We are going to need our starters to go longer and give up fewer runs.
Mayday. Giant spill reaches Yankee Stadium
Screw Keanu. We need Michael Rennie. It's time to speak the words:
"Klaatu barada nikto!"
"Fire in the hole!"
"Houston, we have a problem!"
"Call up Bobby Meachem!"
"This call to the bullpen is sponsored by Transatlantic and BP. Let's destroy something... togethahhhhh!"
Two old, wretched teams, both gushing fluid from gaping holes in their buttocks. In the end, we won the meltdown contest. Sure, we can blame the injuries, or we can blame the wind, or we can blame the absurdly incompetent fielding of Marcus Thames -- (how does a fringe player let his fielding deteriorate so badly; every pop fly is a story by Neil Gaiman!) -- but we have been put on alert:
No lead is safe.
"Klaatu barada nikto!"
Our bullpen cannot hold back the oil. The Hot Club Time Machine's been set to 2006, and we're reliving Tanyon and Proctor. This is our dirty little secret: Mariano is human. Jeet is old. Jorge is brittle. Andy is - well - God won't save him forever. "Klaatu barada nikto!"
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Lee Harvey Oswald. John Wilkes Booth. Alexander Emmanuel Rodriguez: John goes to A-Rod's full name
Cause for alarm: John's Walkoff Warble was only 6.76 seconds
He is short-arming his Thuhs, which has led to speculation that he is calling hurt.
Better late than never: Javy Vazquez finally comes in to get the K
Last night, Javy walked in, struck out Youkilis, and we won the game.
OK, everybody, Alternative Universe time:
It's Oct. 20, 2004, game seven, top of the second. Kevin Brown -- the Yankee Clown -- gave up 2 in the first, and he's loaded the bases with one out. Here comes Javy -- pitching to You-Know-Who: Johnny Damon (nowadays replaced by "Marcus Thames;" now there's an interesting switch from last night, eh?)
Instead of giving up the Damon grand slam, Vazquez offers last night's strike out. (OK, in a cosmic trade situation, that means last night he gave up a 3-run homer to Youk.)
At this point, everything progresses, just as it did...
Mark Bellhorn, walks, forcing in a run. Manny pops out. Score 3-0.
In the fourth, Vazquez gives up a 2-run HR, then is yanked. We're down 5-1.
Final score: 7-3. We lose.
Conclusion: Javy... you're not off the hook yet.