Mother Mary! I can't wait for 2009, when the spit-shiny new Yankee Stadium will be pulling in world class acts like the Pope, Mariah Carey and the always-talented American Idol kids, not to mention various ayatolahs, medicine men and dalai lamas.
Once we're finally done with this current piece-of-trash park -- it's painful watching the team in such a substandard facility -- Christ fans can cheer their Pope from the blessings of the special Gold Club Ascension Luxury Boxes ($500-up), where they can compare homilies with friends and watch the Papal replay on a HDTV screen. And during lulls in the Pope's mass, Super Gold Club Eye-of-the-Needle Boxholders ($10,000-up) can partake of Communion in the Room at the Inn Bread and Wine Bar, sipping drinks served by Pilate, the Clean-Hands Bartender.

Thanks, El Duque for the Papal tour.
As a sideline, I have been working with Edwar, down in the South Mexico dirt field league, on the designe for a new " pope on a rope " shower bar soap for all his supplicants.
This design will feature a Yankee uniform and the roman numeral appropriate to his Papacy.
It will, of course, be pure white with a " blouse" flowing to his golden spikes.
You can purchase a soap dish in the shape of the pope mobile for an additional $29.95 and 4 hail Mary's.
Am returning soon to watch the Yankees try to cling to their .500 record.
Keep the faith.
Where do they alter boys?
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